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RWI and Common Exception Words

RWI phonics is a systemic programme we use to teach reading and spelling and it is introduced to our very youngest children at Bignold.  The use of Fred Fingers to spell words is taught from reception and is a strategy that is used across the school.  From Year 2 children who have been assessed at ARE are taught spellings using the Read Write Inc. Spelling.  This spelling programme based on proven strategies of teacher modelling followed by partner work, to embed learning from Year 2 through to Year 6. The programme covers all the National Curriculum word structures and spelling requirements. It is built around a series of short, progressive activities and uses partner work to help children learn effectively and recall what they have learnt.  Regular assessments ensure the children are on track and a spelling champion TA ensures that children who are not keeping up are given extra support. 


To support we carefully select the spellings we ask children to correct. Our marking policy ensures that the children are working harder than the adult.  We ask children to review a word by using their Fred Fingers /dots and dashes linked to our spelling programme.  Another strategy is for children to select the correct spelling using their Does it look right strategy?  As the children move through the school dictionaries are introduced to support spelling.  As well as our daily discrete lessons we also teach children the common exception words (CEW) for their year groups.

Common exception words are words in which the English Spelling code works in an unusual or uncommon way. They are not words for which phonics 'doesn't work', but they may be exceptions to spelling rules, or words which use a particular combination of letters to represent sound patterns in a rare or unique way.  When the 2014 curriculum was introduced each year group was given a list of common exception words to spell. 
