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Home Learning

Home Learning Expectations 

At Bignold we are a reading school and ask that you listen to or read to your child everyday or at least 4 times a week at home. This does not have to be just the books brought home from school but can include comics, football reports, articles in the newspaper and opportunities to read online. Any type of reading will support and help your child to become more confident and fluent. Please record in your child's reading record each time you read. 


Spelling is an area that we ask you to help your child with. Each week every year (from 1 to 6) posts some spelling words on Seesaw. If you would like we can also send home a paper copy of the spellings. Please support your child with these and go over them a few times so they are really fluent. The key to learning and retaining spellings is to over-learn them. If you have any questions about spellings please talk to your child's class teacher. 


Memorising times tables makes it far quicker and easier for children to work out maths problems in their heads. Moving beyond using their fingers to work out answers, they'll be able to use their knowledge to quickly solve any multiplication questions. Times Table Rockstar is a great resource and is a really fun way for children to learn their tables. 


Head over to our Bignold Curriculum section of this website for more information and top tips on how to support your child. 



RWI phonics clip 

White Rose 'One-Minute Maths' 

Reading everyday or at least x4 a week

Year One



Spellings (set weekly on Seesaw)

RWI phonics clip 

Reading everyday or at least x4 a week 

White Rose - 'One Minute Maths' 

Year 2





Spellings (set weekly on Seesaw)

RWI phonics clip (for some children)

TTR (Times Table Rockstars)

or White Rose 'One Minute Maths 

Reading everyday or at least x4 a week


(Year 3 - 6) 

Spellings (set weekly on Seesaw)

TTR (Times Table Rockstars)

or White Rose One Minute Maths 

Reading everyday or at least x4 a week 

