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We have a number of policies that guide what we do at Bignold Primary School and Nursery.  We are constantly reviewing them with staff and Governors to make sure they continue to be effective.


If you require a paper copy of any of our policies, please contact the school office. 


The following policies are trust wide and can be found on the Evolution Academy Trust website:


  • Accident and Reporting policy
  • Anti-bullying policy
  • Behaviour policy
  • Charging and Remissions policy
  • Complaints policy
  • E-safety and ICT Acceptable Use policy
  • Health and Safety policy
  • Recruitment and Selection policy and procedures
  • Risk Assessment policy
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection policy
  • References policy
  • Suspensions and Exclusions policy
  • Whistleblowing policy


 Below you can find a list of our school policies. 
