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Coram Life Education SCARF - resources for our curriculum

Coram Life Education is a leading provider of relationships, health, wellbeing, and drugs education. They provide SCARF, teaching resources, which we use as a part of our Life Skills & Well-being curriculum.


SCARF (which stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) provides a whole-school approach to help us teach children about these essential elements – all of which play a key role in preparing children to achieve their best, academically and socially.


SCARF is closely aligned with the DfE requirements for statutory Relationships and Health Education, and mapped to the PSHE Association programmes of study. Staff at Bignold use SCARF as a framework to provide resources to support their teaching. SCARF is a whole-school approach to promoting behaviour, safety, achievement and wellbeing.

Please see below an overview of how SCARF could be taught across our school. 

NB: We are in the process of consulting with parents about some elements of our curriculum including when certain topics would be taught. This overview is for your guidance & we would be interested in receiving your feedback (see Information for parents section).

SCARF long-term planning overview
