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Bignold Friends and Family

Welcome to the Bignold Friends and Family (BFF)

We are a group of parents, carers, family members and friends of Bignold Primary School. We work with all staff as a PTA (Parent and Teachers Association) to support and strengthen our school community. 


We do this by: 

  • organising fundraising activities such as bake sales and online giving

  • organising fun, creative, social & educational events and activities

  • providing free book bags to all reception children 

  • buying equipment - including books and furniture for the library 

  • showing appreciation for our staff members including providing staff room goodies

  • organising second hand uniform sales and events

  • being environmentally conscious


We aslo support key events in the school calendar: 

October: Halloween

December : Christmas events and a donation to each class

March: World Book day and Mother's Day

April: Easter Events

June: Father's Day

July: Sports Day & Year 6 leavers gifts


Find us on Facebook! For all up to date information please visit:

Join the BFF!

Could you spare a few hours a month?

We would love to get more people involved! We meet regularly, once a half term, to discuss forthcoming events and fundraising.  You do not have to commit to every event or meeting and you can be flexible with your involvement. You don't need any expertise or special skills, just enthusiasm!  It is very rewarding to know that the children benefit from the fundraising by the BFF. A little of you time can make a huge difference


For more information or to find out when our next meeting is please email us at


The BFF is delighted to let you know that we have signed up to TheGivingMachine as a way to continue raising funds for future projects, events and activities at Bignold Primary School. We would be very grateful if you could join - it's free and simple to sign up and won't cost you a penny! 


The BFF will get a free donation every time you shop online at over 2000 participating retailers (such as Amazon, Argos, Boots, Tesco, eBay and H&M). Plus you can choose up to 3 other causes to support so you can raise money for your favourite charities as well.



Here's how to get involved:

1) Go to

2) Click 'Sign Up' then 'Join as a Giver' and choose a cause to support. Search forBignold Friends and Family (BFF) if you would like to help our cause and click 'Join and Support'.

3) Complete your details or sign in through Facebook.

3) Shop via TheGivingMachine website or download the free Shop&Give App on your phone 

4) Become a giving hero! ️


Thank you so much if you can join and help us raise money for our school. Small, regular donations can really make a big difference.


Happy shopping and feel free to share with friends and family!


Thank you so much for any support you can offer!
