We love having visitors in school and our aim is for our children of all ages to have a range of experiences. In our calendar you will find World Book Day, fundraising events and whole school sporting events. This year we are so pleased that we will be able run our wonderful BigFest musical festival. Our PE Lead is always organising for different year groups to participate in a range of sporting events.
Stay and Read - Wednesdays 8.50-9.10am
Parents and carers are invited to share a book with their child, in our 'Stay and Read' mornings, every Wednesday.
Maths Cafes
Parents and carers are regularly invited into school to share a maths activity and look through their child's maths books.
Details of these are posted in the newsletter and shared via parentmail.
Sharing Assemblies
Parents and carers are invited in for a special assembly so children can share what they have been working on in school.
Details of these are posted in the newsletter and shared via parentmail.