Busy Bees out of school care club
Busy Bees before & after school provision:
We understand that parents and carers lead busy lives and juggling work commitment around the school run can be difficult. To help you with this
At Bignold, our Busy Bees wraparound club provides safe, affordable childcare led by school staff who take the time to build good relationships with children and families.
Busy Bees is based in our school Dining Hall and offers sessions for children in Nursery to Year 6:
7.45 – 8.45 am | Before School club for children in Reception to Year 6 | £5 per session (this includes the cost of breakfast) |
3.15 – 5.45 pm | After School club for children in Reception to Year 6 | £10 per session (this includes the cost of a snack) |
3.30 – 5.30 pm | After School Club for children in Nursery | £10 per session (this includes the cost of a snack) |
Places at Busy Bees can be booked via Parent Mail. Please call the school office if you need any help or support with this.
If you would like to speak to anyone at Busy Bees before or after school, please ring 07908 203628.
Alternatively the school office is open from 8.30am-4.00pm during term time.