School Meals
We aim to encourage healthy eating and children learn about good nutrition within school. They are encouraged to eat their “5 a day” and drink plenty of water which is freely available around the school site. Children are encouraged to eat a piece of fruit at break times.
Pupils may either bring a packed lunch (in a named, sealed box or bag but no glass bottles, fizzy drinks or cans please), or they may have a lunch provided by our contracted caterers in our dining hall. We monitor the meals provision closely.
If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, you are entitled to Universal Free School meals so do not have to pay for lunches.
If your child is in Years 3-6, the meals cost £2.58 per lunch. You may be entitled to Free School Meals. Please download the form below and complete it and return it to the school office as soon as possible.
If you are paying for school meals use Parentmail to pay online. You can also pay at the school office using a debit or credit card but we are cashless school.
When your child is on a school trip, a school packed lunch can be ordered if you are entitled to free school meals. School packed lunches for trips need to be ordered in advance.
Food allergies
If your child has a food intolerance or has a food allergy, please inform the school office or liaise directly with The Pantry.