Religious Education
Religious Education at Bignold
Welcome to the Bignold RE Curriculum page.
Miss Benson is the RE Curriculum Lead at Bignold.
Please contact her via the school office if you have any queries.
“Differences were meant not to divide but to enrich” – J.H. Oldham
RE is an integral part of everyday life for many children, especially in the culturally and religiously diverse community of Bignold Primary. At Bignold, children will explore and learn about different beliefs and practices in their communities and around the world. Our children will have the ability to hold balanced and well- informed conversations about religion and worldviews, make sense of the world around them and begin to understand the complex world in which they live. By following the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus, children are expected to develop their own beliefs, and respect the rights of other people to hold beliefs different to their own. The Norfolk Agreed Syllabus places specific emphasis on pupils valuing themselves and others, on the role of the family and the community, on the celebration of diversity in society through understanding similarities and differences, and on care for the environment.