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Helicopter Stories

Helicopter Stories by MakeBelieve Arts - Storytelling for the Early Years

Helicopter Stories is a holistic approach for early years education, using the power of storytelling and acting to support children in cultivating the social...

We use Helicopter stories as one way to be storytellers at Bignold Primary School and Nursery. Being able to share your own story is one of the most important human activities and we are all storytellers every time we share our day with someone we are telling a story. 

During a Helicopter Stories session, children dictate their stories to an adult scribe. Later that same day, the whole class gather around a taped out stage and the stories are acted out. The approach is suitable for children aged 2 to 7 years old.

In 2015 Trisha Lee published Princesses, Dragons and Helicopter Stories, to support teachers and practitioners to incorporate the approach on a regular basis. The book includes a forward by Vivian Gussin Paley and is used in Nursery, Reception and Year 1.

To find out how you can continue this approach at home link on the image above and it will take you to a page about story telling at home.
