Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium Funding?
Pupil Premium funding was introduced by the Coalition Government in April 2012. Pupils qualify as being eligible for Pupil Premium funding at Bignold Primary School if they are in Reception to Year 6 and satisfy at least one of the following-
They have received Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years.
There are now or have been previously in the care of the Local Authority.
They are children of Service Personnel.
This means that the school receives additional funding for your child.
Why has Pupil Premium been introduced?
Pupil Premium (PP) funding has been allocated to schools so that they can address the achievement differences between pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium and those who are not. The average achievement of this group of pupils, nationally, is typically lower than the remainder of the cohort and we strive to diminish this difference in academic achievement and beyond and to ensure increased progress in learning. It is the responsibility of the school to allocate this money (which is additional to main school funding) in ways that address the specific needs of the children of Bignold and which promote the best possible outcomes for all pupils.