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Information for parents/carers

At Bignold Primary School & Nursery, we want to work in partnership with you to promote the happiness, health and safety of your children. From September 2020 the Department of Education made it a statutory requirement for primary schools to teach Relationships Education and Health Education, with a recommendation to also provide Sex Education.

Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school: a guide for parents

Department for Education guidance states that by the summer term 2021, all primary schools must teach Relationships and Health Education. The teaching of Sex Education in primary schools remains non-statutory, with the exception of the elements of sex education contained in the science national curriculum: including knowledge of the main external body parts; the changes as humans develop to old age and reproduction in some plants and animals. Other related topics that fall within the statutory requirements for Health Education, such as puberty and menstrual wellbeing, will be included within PSHE education lessons.


At Bignold Primary School & Nursery, we are open to consulting with parents and carers and want our curriculum to reflect the wider Bignold community that we are so proud to serve.
